
for Social/Transformative/Restorative Justice, moving towards Peace.

Sacred Activism.jpg

Footprints was birthed at Hyde Park Summer Solstice 2014, and we have been meeting in person or online each quarter since. This gathering is a personal and collective prayer for our evolution towards greater connection, love and unity, without spiritually bypassing the lived experience.

The invitation is to join this gathering and unite through the love of yoga, and inspire action.

Deep Gratitude, X

“Skill in Action is a way of life that illustrates what it means to live yoga for the transformation and liberation of all beings. It is an analysis of yoga that accounts for institutional and cultural forms of oppression while holding liberation at the heart of the practice. It is about feeling the connection between all beings and taking steps to serve the collective good with a goal of justice for all. It asks yoga practitioners and social change agents to take the benefits and lessons that come from a contemplative practice and to use their power to influence the world. Put into practice, it means continually asking yourself how your practice of yoga and meditation transcends the mat and cushion. And asking yourself how your practice of yoga is contributing to the liberation of all beings.”

Michelle Johnson Skill in Action

Summer Solstice Footprints Sadhna

Monday 21st June 2021

4:30am to 6:30am

Drop in/out as you wish

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 934 5754 7273
Passcode: footprints

Footprints sadhna schedule

5:00 am Japji Sahib - Song of the Soul with TBC

click for PDF copy

5:25 am Lighting a candle with Rashpal Kaur

Please donate below and keep the energy of giving/receiving in flow, thank you.

5:30 am Kundalini Yoga withTBC

6:20 am Yoga Nidra with Rashpal Kaur

6:40am Footprints Meditation with Rashpal Kaur

Zoom Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 934 5754 7273
Passcode: footprints

Please click the logos and take a look at the work of Yoga for Humankind and Fierce Calm; two organisations that have provided valuable support to me this year.Together they create a safe and brave space to learn, unlearn, unpack and explore core co…

Please click the logos and take a look at the work of Yoga for Humankind and Fierce Calm; two organisations that have provided valuable support to me this year.

Together they create a safe and brave space to learn, unlearn, unpack and explore core concepts, mindsets, practices and action towards decolonisation and anti-oppressive practice - for a world of equity, love and collective well being.

Circles of Connection



Some are posting on social media
Some are protesting in the streets
Some are donating silently
Some are educating themselves
Some are having tough conversations with friends & family

a revolution has many lanes - be kind to yourself and to others who are traveling in the same direction

just keep your foot on the gas

(unknown found on instagram)